PHRF NE Recommends that fleets offer members/applicants the convenience of seamless and secure online credit card payment at the time of their application submission. If you elect this option PHRF NE will do all the work for you: creating and configuring a dedicated Fleet-specific account with a vendor named, a leading low-cost credit card processing solution. This vendor charges a very competitive and reasonable flat card processing fee of 2.9% (of the total transaction amount) plus 30-cents per transaction. Your funds are automatically deposited into a checking/savings account of the Fleet's choosing in 7 business days. The Biller-name on the credit card transaction will be the name of your fleet, so applicants will clearly see on their statements that payment was for a PHRF NE Fleet. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Amex are accepted.
Select One configuration from the options below (you can modify this at any time in the future)
If "other payment vendor" is selected note that there will not be any integration between that vendor and the certificate system. Payments received offline or through "other vendors" will need to be manually notated in the online certificate system to reconcile payments/etc..