Fall 2008 Governor's Meeting
November 12, 2008
During the meeting the committee voted to keep the membership fee of $25.00 for boats joining PHRF-NE from outside the area of
There was a discussion about charity regattas not requiring PHRF-NE certificates. It was agreed that this is not a PHRF-NE problem as we can do nothing about it.
The asymmetric spinnaker tacked to the bow situation was discussed. A number of boats currently race with these sails and do so without the recreational credit. The only boat that has done exceptionally well is Jud Smith's A.F.R.I.C.A. This can be attributed to his sailing ability. Several velocity prediction programs have been run that generally show no distinct advantage of this configuration over the 9 second per mile credit given. It was agreed that no general change in the handling of these sails will be made. Of course, PHRF-NE reserves the right to adjust any handicap that appears to have an unfair advantage.