Edmund Tarbell Legacy Whaleback Regatta, July 24
July 16, 2021
Edmund Tarbell Legacy Whaleback Regatta July 24th, 2021
Commodore's Cup Series 2021
Organizing Authorities - Kittery Point Yacht Club, Portsmouth Yacht Club and Piscataqua Sailing Association
New Castle New Hampshire 03854
The second qualifying Regatta for the 2021 Clipper Tavern, Commodore's Cup Series is upon us. This PHRF Ocean Race will be head off the Coast of New Hampshire and Maine. It will feature Racing Class, and Cruising Class. The regatta will be held Saturday July 124th, 2021 first gun at 12:00 Noon
.Award giving socials will be held after race outside on the deck of Kittery Point Yacht Club starting at 5:00 pm, along with an Auction for 40% off a new sail for boats up to 40' from Doyle Sailmakers in Salem, Massachusetts.
More information can be found on the event registration page: One registration enters a yacht in all four remaining Regattas associated with this Series. For yachts that cannot participate in all or the events scheduled a reduced entry fee is offered. Each Regatta is scored independently and perpetual trophies are awarded to the winning yachts. Mark your calendars for these great regattas on the New Hampshire Seacoast.
Single Handed Regatta August 21, 2021
Lobster Double Handed Regatta September 11, 2021
Dave Mowers Memorial Regatta September 18, 2021
Star Island Corporation and Piscataqua Sailing Association's
Gosport Regatta September 19, 2021
(Look for registration details)