Fall 2012 Governor's Meeting
November 14, 2012
Two changes to the handicap certificate were discussed. The wording of the Y/N question about modifications will be changed to ask if anything on the boat has been changed. If the answer is yes, it has to be spelled out. It will not be enough to say that the information was supplied in an earlier year.
A check box will be added to note if the mainsail has a square head. While some boats come with this as standard it has become obvious that some are not reporting this if they add such a sail to an existing boat.
Bump Wilcox brought up that he feels that too much credit is being given for asymmetric spinnakers being added to boats that didn't come that way. A study committee, chaired by Barry Steinberg, was appointed.
A couple of presentations were made about on-line certificate processing. A committee, chaired by Jodie Graul, was appointed to make a recommendation.