Hurricane Cup Race
August 15, 2022
Hyannis Yacht Club
Hurricane Cup Race
September 17-18, 2022
Many Nantucket Sound PHRF racers look forward to the HYC Hurricane Cup and Eye of the Storm, as much as any other race during the season.
The Hurricane Cup race will also be the 5th and final season qualifier for the HYC Wilbur Cup Summer Series. The return race called the Eye of the Storm will finish mid-Sound to allow sailors to head either east or west to home ports.
This year's races will take place on September 17 (Hurricane Cup out of Hyannis) & September 18 (Eye of the Storm out of Nantucket). Also at the ‘after-party' in Nantucket the 'Blasted Hope Award' will be conveyed to the deserving skipper or miscreant.
Often, we experience some of the best weather of the season (occasionally a bit breezy), and for some, this is the last race of the year. All PHRF Skippers and boats are welcome and there are discounted rates at the Nantucket Boat Basin this time of year. We hope that you will join us this year!
Learn more:
PHRF Ocean Class - Hyannis Yacht Club >