2020 PHRF Application Discount
January 29, 2020
Dear PHRF Members,
We are off to a great start for the 2020 Sailing Season. Over 125 members have taken advantage of our $5 Discount and submitted their certificate applications. There is still time to save $5 by submitting your application and payment by March 31st.
Photo above by Commodore Phil Smith.
Head to phrfne.org to log in to your account and renew or apply for a 2020 handicap certificate. As a reminder, current year valid ratings are required for series and regattas racing under PHRF-NE. If you have any issues logging in or questions, feel free to email me at processor@phrfne.org. Submitting early helps the executive committee and myself process applications in a timely fashion so you are ready to hit the race course come Spring.
Best Regards,
Lindsay Smith
Certificate Processor