Portland Yacht Club 84th Annual Monhegan Island Race, August 10-12, Falmouth, Maine
August 6, 2018
Register soon for the Portland Yacht Club 84th Annual Monhegan Island Race, August 10-12, Falmouth, Maine
Schedule of events:
Thursday, 8-9
1800, Thursday Night Club Race
1900-2230 BBQ & Music
Friday, 8-10
1200-1700 Skipper Check-in & Pick up Sailing Instructions
1800-1830 Skippers Meeting on PYC lawn
1830-2200 Pre Race Dinner Party, Cocktails & Music
Saturday, 8-11
1200 First Warning Gun
Sunday, 8-12
0600-1200 Breakfast (will be extended for those not finished before
1200-1600 Reception Party
1600 Awards Ceremony
Trophies will be awarded to yachts placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd on corrected time in each class that has six or more entrants. Classes with fewer than six entrants will have first and second prizes.
The following is a description of the perpetual trophies:
Maine Coast Fisherman Trophy - First to Finish - Monhegan Course
Edward B. Mason Trophy - First Maine Boat to Finish – Monhegan Course
George E. Ford Jr. Navigator's Trophy - Navigator – First Corrected – Monhegan Course
Walter S. Hammons Trophy - First Corrected – Monhegan Racing A
Douglas R. Coleman Memorial Trophy - First Corrected – Monhegan Racing B
Seguin Island Trophy - First Corrected – Seguin Course
Monhegan Midget Trophy - First to Finish - Manana Course
Abbott Fletcher Trophy - First Corrected - Manana Course
James B. Flaker Manana Island Trophy - First PYC Yacht, Corrected – Manana Course
Frank H. Soule Memorial Trophy - First Corrected, Short Handed Racing
Sabre Yachts Trophy - First Sabre Yacht, CHIPS points, any class
The Amaryllis Trophy - First Corrected - Multihull
Geoffrey Emanuel - Spirit of Monhegan
Click here to register
We hope to see you there!
From your friends at GMORA and PYC