Register for the MS Harborfest Weekend
August 5, 2018
Register today for the MS Harborfest, a three-day festival (August 17-19, 2018) of sailboats, tugboats, and lobster boats combined with a shore side benefit auction celebrating the glory of the Portland, Maine waterfront.
This waterfront tradition raises over $100,000 annually to support local services for more than 21,000 Mainer's affected by multiple sclerosis, and fund vital national research initiatives.
MS Benefit Auction
August 17, 5:30-10:00 p.m. Portland Yacht Services Inc., 100 West Commercial Street, Portland, ME
More info here>
MS Harborfest Regatta, August 18, 12:30 pm start, Portland waterfront
More info here>
MS Regatta founder, Merle Hallett, turned 90 this year. We hope to have 90 boats honoring Mele turning 90!
Join your GMORA friends to help create a world free of multiple sclerosis and honor Merle! We hope to see you there!